When faced with a complex factual issue, where it would be difficult to certify under Rule 23(b)(3) (because individual issues of causation or liability clearly predominate over common issues), plaintiffs will sometimes seek injunctive relief under Rule 23(b)(2) instead. From a rhetorical standpoint, seeking injunctive relief under Rule 23(b)(2) makes a powerful argument for certification – an injunction is true group relief; why wouldn’t it be appropriate to certify a class looking for an injunction?
This rhetorical technique has largely worked. A number of plaintiffs’ and defense counsel I’ve spoken with operate under the distinct impression that it is easier to certify a class under Rule 23(b)(2) than it is under Rule 23(b)(3), and that what holds plaintiffs back from seeking more injunctions is the lack of monetary relief on which to base a fee request.
This impression is wrong. To see just how wrong, take the case of Gates v. Rohm & Haas Co., — F.R.D. —, 2010 WL 774327 (E.D. Pa. March 5, 2010). Gates is an environmental case, in which the plaintiffs sued Rohm & Haas for polluting the water and air around Ringwood, Illinois with chemicals including vinylidene chloride, a known carcinogen. The plaintiffs sued for violations of CERCLA and state law, and sought damages for medical monitoring and damage to property. The proposed class action – like many environmental class actions – would turn on questions of causation, which can pose a number of thorny individualized issues in toxic torts. So, in addition to seeking damages, the plaintiffs sought an injunction compelling Rohm & Haas to set up a medical monitoring regime.
Rather than arguing that Rule 23(b)(2) did not apply because plaintiffs also sought money damages (a common argument), Rohm & Haas apparently directly challenged whether Rule 23(b)(2) would allow for certification in this case. And the trial court held that it did not:
While 23(b)(2) class actions have no predominance or superiority requirements, it is well established that the class claims must be cohesive. A (b) (2) class may require more cohesiveness than a (b)(3) class because in a (b)(2) action, unnamed members are bound by the action without the opportunity to opt out. The district court has the discretion to deny certification in Rule 23(b)(2) cases in the presence of disparate factual circumstances. The determination of whether a class involves individualized issues is important for two reasons: (1) unnamed members with valid individual claims are bound by the action without the opportunity to withdraw and may be prejudiced by a negative judgment in the class action; and (2) the suit could become unmanageable and little value would be gained in proceeding as a class action if significant individual issues were to arise consistently. At base, the (b)(2) class is distinguished from the (b)(3) class by class cohesiveness. Injuries remedied through (b) (2) actions are really group, as opposed to individual injuries. The members of a(b)(2) class are generally bound together through preexisting or continuing legal relationships or by some significant common treat such as race or gender. Indeed, a court should be more hesitant in accepting a(b)(2) suit which contains significant individual issues than it should under subsection 23(b)(3).
The individual issues that defeat the predominance requirement of Rule 23(b)(3) also defeat the cohesion requirement of Rule 23(b) (2).
(Multiple quotations, citations, and footnotes omitted; emphases added.)
The lesson here is a simple, but powerful one. A plaintiff cannot seek to avoid individualized issues by changing the rule under which she seeks certification. If individualized issues predominate, then the class will not be cohesive enough to certify under Rule 23(b)(2).