One of the peculiarities about class-action practice is how segmented it can be.  Because Rule 23 can apply to many different kinds of class actions–ranging from international human rights violations to the vagaries of various benefits plans–many lawyers will consider themselves "class action experts" even if all they’ve ever worked on are securities cases, or products-liability lawsuits.  

Rule 23 covers far more than just one subject area, something this blog has tried to reflect in its choice of cases.  But sometimes it helps to be able to call on specialists, practitioners who litigate one kind of class action and litigate it well.  That’s why I’m pleased to report on a promising new trend: the emergence of the employment class action blog.  Seyfarth Shaw has just launched The Workplace Class Action Litigation Blog, helmed by partner Gerald L. Maatman, Jr. and co-authored by a number of associates and counsel, including an old colleague of mine, Rebecca Bjork.  Meanwhile, Greg Mersol of Baker Hostetler (home of venerable class action blog ClassActionBlawg) has launched the Employment Class Action Blog.  

Both blogs, while new, are already taking on distinctive voices.  The Employment Class Action Blog seems to be focusing more on developments in caselaw, while The Workplace Class Action Blog has cast its net wider to discuss developments in the news that may affect employment class actions.  Both approaches are valid, and both blogs bear further watching.  Add them to your RSS feed: I have.