This was a busy year for class-action jurisprudence. Clearly, most of the Supreme Court cases had some effect on class action practice. But the district and appellate courts also rendered a host of rulings this year that significantly affect class-action practice. Despite what a number of academics and plaintiffs’ lawyers have claimed, the class action

BNA’s Class Action Litigation Report has published an article by yours truly that adapts this post about arbitration post-Concepcion and tries to add a little more scholarly rigor.  

They’ve also graciously allowed me to make it available here, where you can find it suitable for downloading, printing, and stuffing in the stocking of

Today, the Supreme Court began to roll out its class-action opinions. And first up, it has decided AT&T Mobility LLC v. Concepcion. In a 5-4 opinion authored by Justice Scalia (Thomas concurring), the Court held that § 2 of the Federal Arbitration Act preempted California’s Discover Bank rule, which "classif[ied] most collective-arbitration waivers in