Judge Posner is often considered to be a pro-defense jurist, particularly in the area of class actions. Lately, he’s been proving himself to be more independent-minded than that. First, he allowed certification of a washing machine class, justifying certification despite some outcome-determinative individualized issues because predominance is a matter of "efficiency," and should not be
Superiority and Statutory Class Actions – Hughes v Kore of Indiana Ent Inc
By The Editors on
Posted in Certification
This week’s case, Hughes v. Kore of Indiana Ent., Inc., No. 1:11-cv-1329-JMS-MJD, 2013 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 95849 (S.D. Ind. Jul. 10, 2013), involved a certified class alleging violations of the Electronic Funds Transfer Act. (EFTA–which requires banks to post fee notices physically on their ATMS–is one of those statutes that, at least…
Karlsgodt on Statutory Class Actions
By The Editors on
Posted in Certification
Paul Karlsgodt (of the longstanding and outstanding Class Action Blawg) has published an article with the University of Denver Law Review’s Online Edition: Statutory Penalties and Class Actions: Social Justice or Legalized Extortion? Statutory Penalties is an excellent introduction to the problem of defending class actions based on statutory violations, and Karlsgodt’s focus on…