Cosmetics giant Maybelline markets Superstay 24 lipstick, which is supposed to be more comfortable, withstand heat and humidity, and go 24 hours without needing a transfer. Some customers decided that, despite the advertising, the lipstick did not last a full 24 hours without transfer; so they sued Maybelline claiming that it had violated various

A group of Florida landowners sued Raytheon Company, accusing it of contaminating their groundwater by improperly disposing of hazardous waste. The plaintiffs put up an expert who testified that he could construct a statistical model that would demonstrate liability and damages on a classwide basis.  Raytheon put up its own experts, who argued that plaintiffs’

The tactic is more common that one might imagine: when plaintiffs file their motion for certification, they may include an expert report from a noted law professor, testifying that their case is ideally suited for certification under Rule 23. Now, on one side of the certification debate, you have practicing lawyers zealously representing their client

In re Hydrogen Peroxide was an antitrust class action. Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical that is often used a bleach for pulp and paper. In this case, the plaintiffs, all purchasers of hydrogen peroxide and other chemicals, sued their suppliers, alleging that the defendants had sold them more expensive chemical grades when less expensive ones