For the last three months, much of the law-firm world has been watching the slow-motion train wreck that was the dissolution of Dewey & LeBeouf. The legal blogosphere has written a lot about what the collapse means, and offered numerous theories about why Dewey failed so spectacularly in only a few months. Most focus

Today’s case is a perfect illustration of the difference between tactics and strategy, or, more accurately, between litigation strategy and litigation grand strategy. As you may remember, a tactic is a plan to accomplish a specific short-term goal within a larger conflict. (A defendant may have the strategy of defeating certification to minimize litigation

This month’s piece of "Classic Scholarship" constitutes a small exception. It’s not exactly scholarship (it was adapted from a speech), and it doesn’t focus exclusively on class-action practice. Nonetheless, Deborah Lilienthal’s Litigation Public Relations: The Provisional Remedy of the Communications World, 43 N.Y.L. Sch. L. Rev. 895 (2000), contains some important insights for class-action practitioners.