As Colorado Law Professor Paul Campos has observed, it has rapidly become a cliche that law schools are in crisis. They charge too much, and they don’t prove adequate training or job placement in return. As a result, they are losing enrollees quickly, which means that a number of them may have to
legal education
Should Law School Be More Like War College?
By The Editors on
Posted in Strategy
I’ve written before about the current crisis in legal education. And I write from the perspective of an interested bystander. I like the idea of well-educated lawyers, but I also think that legal scholarship is often impractical and insufficiently strategic.
Moreover, it seems that the standard complaints about law school at this point are…
Five Ways to Mitigate the Crisis in Legal Education
By The Editors on
Posted in Scholarship, Strategy
In the past year, there has been a spate of criticism of legal education. The upshot: it’s too expensive, it doesn’t actually train new lawyers, and it produces a lot of scholarship of no use to practitioners or judges. Pair this rising criticism with rising educational costs and rising legal unemployment, and…