Ah, class decertification in district court…the rarely glimpsed, late-harvest victory that comparatively few class action defense counsel can claim to have tasted. U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer of the Northern District of California recently delivered one such victory for the 2016 vintage, decertifying a plaintiff class he originally certified in 2012 in a wage-and-hour litigation
Ascertainability without Record-Keeping: Carrera v. Bayer Corp.
By The Editors on
Posted in Certification
Gabriel Carrera, along with many others like him, bought Bayer’s One-A-Day WeightSmart diet supplement. Apparently, he didn’t lose the weight he wanted, because he filed a class action alleging that Bayer had fraudulently claimed that the supplement’s use of epigallocetechin gallate (a green tea extract) boosted metabolism and assisted weight loss.
It turns out, however…
Defense on Wire: Settling a Class Action Claim
By The Editors on
Posted in Settlement
Defendants walk a thin tightrope over a deep chasm when they have to litigate and settle a class action. On the one hand, litigating a class action vigorously requires the defendant to argue that a class is not certifiable. On the other, to settle a case on a classwide basis, the parties have to convince…