At this point, I’m well aware that I tend to sound like an old crank when reviewing class action scholarship; much of it repeats the same old stuff, predicts the imminent demise of the class action in its current form, and looks at the same Supreme Court cases instead of digging into where the real

2013 did not offer the blockbuster docket in front of the Supreme Court that 2011 did, but that didn’t stop the Court from issuing a number of opinions whose effects will be felt for some time to come. In addition, a number of other courts took bold steps to either support or constrain class

 So, you may have noticed that posting has been slightly sporadic lately. There have been two big reasons for this: first, my daughter was born at the end of June, and blogging must sometimes give way to taking care of her; second, I have just delivered the manuscript for Betting the Company: Complex Negotiation Strategies

One of the unusual things about being an expat for a prolonged period of time is watching US news from the outside. Even though I have access to any number of American news outlets, being in a place where I am not surrounded by people who all share the same obsession with the 2012 Presidential